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Rumah cendawan dah siap

Dzu-Is Agrotech – Perak
Yes, rumah cendawan dah siap. Rack untuk satu rumah dah siap.
Kami set untuk buat testing. 5k beg media akan dimasukkan dan di”test”. Suhu agak panas, 29deg paling rendah. Jadi, kami akan pasang exhaust fans untuk pengudaraan especially untuk keluarkan udara panas di dalam rumah.

Ada yang berpendapat, environment di daerah Hutan Melintang (kawasan kami) ni terlalu panas dan low in humidity dan ada yang menasihatkan kami untuk guna water mist. Thanks for the tips.
Memang tak dinafikan, kawasan kami ni memang panas (external temp 32 to 34deg C) dan pulak kawasan kami ni lapang, takde pokok sangat. Ini adalah salah satu factor yang kami akan fikirkan dan consider setelah habis tempoh testing tersebut. Kami nak pastikan yg rmah ni effective dan cendawan kami “gemuk2” 🙂 dahulu sebelum dijual. Kami menjangkakan beberapa upgrades or modification perlu dibuat.
Saya akan update lagi progress ini kemdian.

Kepada bloggers sekalian, sekiranya ada apa2 pandangan, nasihat or experience, pls share dgn saya dang post kan di blog kami. Saya amat menghargainya.


August 5, 2008 Posted by | Dari Dzu-Is | Leave a comment

Mushroom care and handling (Cara-cara penyimpanan cendawan segar)

Mushrooms are delicate. Take extra care to prevent bruising, preserve high quality and maintain great taste. Here are some helpful handling tips that will ensure your mushrooms are good and tasty:

  • Always keep your mushrooms in the refrigerator between the temperatures of 32°F and 36°F (0°C to 2°C).
  • When mushrooms are purchased loose, they should be stored in a brown paper bag as they will breathe better and stay firm longer.
  • Packaged mushrooms keep well in the refrigerator, but once opened they should be stored in a brown paper bag.
  • Mushrooms are best when they are used within a few days of purchase, but can be kept up to one week.
  • Prior to use, wipe mushrooms with a damp cloth or rinse in cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Do not wash mushrooms until you are ready to use them, as they may discolor


Oyster Mushrooms (Cendawan tiram kelabu)
  • Cap: 5-25 cm broad, fan or oyster-shaped; Natural specimens range from white to gray or tan to dark-brown; margin inrolled when young, smooth and often somewhat lobed or wavy. Flesh white, firm, varies in thickness due to stipe arrangement.
  • Gills: Gills are white to cream, descend stalk if present. If so, stipe off-center with lateral attachment to wood.
  • Spores: The spores form a white to lilac-gray print on dark media.
  • Stipe: Often absent. When present it is short and thick.
  • Taste: Mild
  • Odor: Often has a mild scent of anise.
  • Storage: Keep Oyster mushrooms refrigerated in a paper bag for up to 5 days.

Additional Information

Oyster mushrooms are a natural source of statin drugs. Studies have shown that they typically contain 0.4% to 2.7% statins on a dry weight basis. Z. Naturforsch Study. A number of studies on lab animals have shown that adding Pleurotus to the diet can reduce cholesterol under some conditions.

The oyster mushroom is also one of the few known carnivorous mushrooms. Its mycelia can kill and digest nematodes. This is believed to be a way to obtain nitrogen.

Oyster mushrooms contain a small amount of arabitol which can cause gastrointestinal distress in some people. Arabitol is a sugar alcohol similar to xylitol, manitol and sorbitol; these sugar alcohols are widely used food additives and can also have laxative effectives in susceptible individuals.

July 20, 2008 Posted by | Outsourced | | Leave a comment